Archive for the 'Go figure' Category

More monkey trials

Friday, September 23rd, 2005

With creationism and “intelligent design” in the offensive across America, the Kitzmiller v. Dover trial has the potential of becoming another Scopes Monkey Trial – the famous 1925 trial that allowed the state of Tennessee to keep anti-Darwinism statutes on the books. Only this time the roles are reversed. In Kitzmiller v. Dover parents and […]

Bogus dead-cat-fuel story on CNN

Thursday, September 15th, 2005

Thursday morning I got an email with a hyperlink to a CNN story about a German scientist making biodiesel from dead cats. Turns out that the clever reporters from Reuters picked up the story from the German tabloid Bild (picture a merger of the Weekly World News and USA-Today) about the company Alpha-Kat, and how […]

Disaster profiteering in full swing

Saturday, September 10th, 2005

Vultures – vultures, everywhere. They are circling New Orleans and the rest of the devastated Gulf Coast. The no-bid contractors like the employer of Vice-president Cheney are vying to snag juicy reconstruction contracts: From global engineering and construction firms like the Fluor Corporation and Halliburton to local trash removal and road-building concerns, the private sector […]

Smart arguments against intelligent design

Friday, September 9th, 2005

Recently, I had a little rant about how silly it is to consider creationism a scientific theory, even under the guise of so-called “intelligent design theory.” When I read Stephen Meyer’s ID paper, I realized, after I stopped laughing, that some may be taken in by Meyer’s scientific mumbo-jumbo talk. Even with no clue about […]

Big uneasy reality

Saturday, September 3rd, 2005

BBC reporter Matt Wells nails it: The uneasy paradox which so many live with in this country – of being first-and-foremost rugged individuals, out to plunder what they can and paying as little tax as they can get away with, while at the same time believing that America is a robust, model society – has […]

North Carolina running out of gas?

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005

Boy, am I glad that I fixed my bike. Ninety percent of the pipeline capacity for the South-Eastern US is down right now. We’re car-pooling with the TDI for now. Here is the press release from the Gov-man’s office: STATEMENT GIVEN TODAY BY GOV. EASLEY CONCERNING GASOLINE SUPPLY IN NORTH CAROLINA THE TWO MAJOR PIPELINES […]

Dumb arguments over unintelligent design

Sunday, August 28th, 2005

Creationism is religion and has no place in the classroom. End of story. One problem with scientists is that they want to argue with anyone over anything. So they fall into this trap the creationists set for them to consider “intelligent design” a scientific theory and argue painstakingly over creationism’s scientific merit. However, the “intelligent […]

The pope in Deutschland

Thursday, August 18th, 2005

Pope Panzerfaust rolled into Köln today, threw his scull cap into the cheering mob and slid down the handrail of the gangway. No, he did not kiss the ground – he’s doing the ecclesiastical slide! Yeah, he’s now da man! Check out all the young Christians, screaming and fainting, when they catch a glimpse of […]

NC pops the cap

Tuesday, August 16th, 2005

A toast to the efforts of Sean Wilson and Julie Bradford and all supporters of the Pop the Cap effort here in North Carolina. This weekend the NC Governor Mike Easley signed House Bill 392 into law. It is now on the books as S.L. 2005-277 and it raises the cap on alcohol content for […]

Robots in space

Friday, August 12th, 2005

… are much cheaper than people. NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) is projected to cost a total of $686 million over 6 years, according to this year’s NASA budget (PDF – see page 320). This is roughly half of a single launch of the space shuttle but the MRO is designed to send back a […]

African media at G8 summit

Friday, July 8th, 2005

Kenyan journalist John Kamau, of the Sunday Standard newspaper, chronicles his G8-summit experiences on the BBC website. In an entry from Wednesday, he comments on the lack of journalists from Africa at a summit that supposedly intends to “solve” problems in Africa. It is a sad state of affairs that we cannot find concrete analysis […]

Greasecar attacked by bears

Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

Oh boy! Don’t take your greasecar into Yellowstone (via Sustainablog): Larry Joy, a 53-year-old electrician, said the bear shattered a window on his 1981 Volkswagen Rabbit, tipped the plastic fuel tank on its side and gnawed on car hoses about two weeks ago. He said the evidence included muddy paw prints around the broken window […]

Bush urges development of alternate fuels

Monday, May 16th, 2005

Uh – oh! I hope this is not the Kiss of Death for biodiesel. Hark the shrubman: “Biodiesel is one of our nation’s most promising alternative fuel sources and by developing biodiesel you’re making this country less dependent on foreign sources of oil,” [President Bush] said. “Americans are concerned about high prices at the pump […]

Detroit just does not get it

Friday, May 6th, 2005

S&P downgraded to “junk” status two of the largest automakers in the world, Ford and General Motors, because these companies have been thoroughly mismanaged: … decades of management miscues … led Standard & Poor’s yesterday to cut the credit ratings of both the world’s largest car maker and Ford Motor Co. to junk-bond status for […]

Southern fried journalism

Wednesday, April 27th, 2005

With the glaciers melting and the barrel of crude headed to new heights (in April!) the idea of using renewable, lower-emissions fuels has even penetrated the Lifestyles section of our local “paper of record:” With the average price for a gallon of gas hovering around $2.22 — you could indulge in a vanilla chai for […]

More on Pope Panzerfaust I

Wednesday, April 20th, 2005

Defender of the dogma, chief inquisitor and the Vatican’s official heresy hunter: John Nichols at the Nation has a brief story on Pope Panzerfaust I. So does Majikthise. Halleluja!

A Pope from Bavaria?!

Tuesday, April 19th, 2005

So the Catholic Church selected Joseph Ratzinger as Pope today. Oh well, that’ll ensure one more world power broker will remain stuck in the dark ages. Congratulations!

Tax Day – pop the champagne

Friday, April 15th, 2005

There are many things Europeans in the US complain about, especially these days: No local public transportation systems (outside NYC); no decent bread; no sidewalks; awful roads; houses made of sticks; etcetera. And I live in a state where the sale of beer with more than 6 percent alcohol is illegal, but the natives make […]

What’s in Popeye’s Hookah?

Thursday, March 31st, 2005

Dana Larsen posted a link to this comic book cover in a comment to my recent post about her story on Alternet. In her story she points out many drug references in the Popeye stories and argues that “Popeye’s strength-giving spinach is meant as a clear metaphor for the miraculous powers of marijuana.” Here is […]

Cruel Irony

Friday, March 25th, 2005

It strikes me as a cruel irony, this public spectacle of sobbing Christians clinging to the artificially prolonged metabolic activity of the body of one woman on the eve of Good Friday. Not so ironic, however, and rather cruel and cynical, are the policial games that some members of congress, namely DeLay and Frist, are […]