Archive for the 'Mother Earth' Category


Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Nature is signaling that we’re done with winter around here, but that may be a lie. We often get a cold snap or two in March, which can be really bad. But for now we’re enjoying the warm spring weather. We have started going to the Art Market at the Durham Farmer’s market again, now […]

Ratsnake hatched and released

Sunday, October 27th, 2024

In early July, while turning the big compost pile, I found a clutch of snake eggs. Laura and I decided to try to hatch them, and she set up an incubator. After about 2 months, one of the eggs actually did hatch and a pretty rat snake baby emerged. We got her some frozen pinkies […]

Huge new fissure eruption in Iceland

Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

New Volcano eruption in Iceland

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023

Last week, the Fagradalsfjall volcano in southern Iceland produced a new eruption near the Litli-Hrútur mountain. There is lots of beautiful drone footage of the eruption, but this is some of the nicest I have seen, so far. Here is a link to a live webcam of the new vent.

Bees – Bienen

Saturday, March 26th, 2022

Für DEUSCH hier klickenIn Early March, we bought a beehive from a local bee-keeper and set it up on our little farm. Laura had been taking beekeeping classes with the local beekeeper’s club, and one of the members put up his three hives for sale because he was planning to move to a different state. […]

Snow days

Saturday, January 29th, 2022

After a fairly mild December, this January has brought some actual winter weather to central North Carolina. This is a video I shot after this morning’s snowfall/ This is the third time we had snow this month, but this was definitely the prettiest morning, with a fresh blanket of snow and the sun rising over […]


Friday, January 31st, 2020

A couple of weeks ago we had several days of warm weather, with high temps around 70F (21C) and the pear trees started budding! So when the inevitable cold-snap came I fully expected them to loose all those buds, but several night of lows in the 20s did bot keep them from flowering. Nice splash […]

Summer mushroom hunting

Monday, July 31st, 2017

Here is a nice photo album of some of the mushrooms we have found over the last few weeks. Click on the picture to open the album or click through it below. Dies ist ein Photoalbum einiger der Pilze die wir über die letzten Wochen gesammelt haben. Bitte auf das Bild klicken um das Album […]

Foraged mushroom lunch

Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

Last week we discovered mushrooms growing on a pile of horse manure out back. Laura identified the mushrooms as Coprinus comatus, or Shaggy Inky Caps, which are actually quite delicious, but have to be eaten immediately after harvested. So this morning I went out there and picked a bunch of mushrooms and fried them up […]


Thursday, January 12th, 2017

Today’s high temperature was 68°F (20°C). Julia’s glorious snowman is melting …


Monday, January 9th, 2017

Celsius hier …

Winter morning

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

Today at Sunrise it was 13 °F (-10 °C) after we got about 4 inches (12cm) of snow and sleet yesterday. And tomorrow morning is predicted to be even colder.

Copperhead migration season

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

Every spring, I find a copperhead snake near the house or the hay storage and have to kill the animal. This one was under our deck, and I had a shovel handy, so its demise was quick. I hate to do this, but a bite from a copperhead is not trivial and I am not […]

More winter weather

Monday, February 15th, 2016

The last few days have been pretty chilly around here. Sunday morning it was a brisk 15 Deg. F (-10 °C) and the waterfall at the little fishpond was almost frozen. Kühl war es hier die letzten Tage – minus 10 °C am Sonntag morgen. Sunday night it snowed and Monday we had freezing rain. […]

The blizzard of 2016

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

Jan 23 NC was hit by a “blizzard” and we had 2-3 inches (10 cm ) of icy snow. Here are some shots from my quadcopter the day after.

Chilly spring morning

Sunday, March 29th, 2015

This Sunday morning was chilly at 25F (-4C). We really hope this was the last frost for the season! With temperatures now regularly reaching the 60s and 70s, it does feel like spring around here. But last night, we put the blankets on the horses one more time and filled the bucket with warm water. […]

And then it was Spring!

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

What a pretty spring day! The daffodils are blooming and it’s 82°F/28°C and sunny. Only 10 days after we had a 20°F/-7°C morning and less than 3 weeks after the 2015 Snowpocalypse, it’s finally springtime! I’ll take it! Und auf einmal war Frühling! die Narzissen blühen und es ist 28°C warm und sonnig. Noch vor […]

Snowpocalypse 2015

Saturday, February 28th, 2015

Thursday morning we woke up to 6 inches (15cm) of snow. Around here, that pretty much shuts down everything. Power went out at around 4AM and water stopped shortly after. No school or work, of course. We were stuck at home all day, keeping the house warm with a fire in the fire place and […]

Weather rollercoaster

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Whoah! This weather is crazy! Look at the graph below (from Wunderground) and you can see how temperatures here went from a low of 5°F on Friday morning at 7AM to a high of 57°F on Sunday 1PM. That’s a 52 degree temperature change in 54 hours! DEUTSCH: So ein verrücktes Wetter! And dem Diagramm […]


Friday, February 20th, 2015

Our weather station showed an outside temperature of 5.6°F /14.7°C this morning right before I went outside to feed the animals.