Vacation Photos

Photos from our week in the Virginia Mountains. Open the post and click on a photo to start the gallery.

Urlaubsphotos! Hier öffnen und dann auf ein Photo klicken um die Gallerie zu starten.

Grayson Highlands 1

Overlook at Grayson Hughlands

Grayson Highlands 9

Grayson Highlands State Park
Grayson Highlands 8

“Wild” yearling foal at Grayson Highlands

Grayson Highlands 7

The “wild” ponies at Grayson Highlands

Grayson Highlands 6

Foal posing with children :)

Grayson Highlands 4

Julia and pony at Grayson Highlands

Grayson Highlands 2

Hiking at Grayson Highlands

Julia shot some nice photos of the Cabin Creek at Grayson Highlands:

Cabin Creek 5

Cabin Creek at Grayson Highlands

Cabin Creek 4

Cabin Creek at Grayson Highlands

Cabin Creek Waterfall

Cabin Creek at Grayson Highlands

Cabin Creek 3

Cabin Creek at Grayson Highlands

Cabin Creek 2

Cabin Creek at Grayson Highlands

Cabin Creek 1

Cabin Creek at Grayson Highlands

We stayed at Peggy’s Cabin above the New River.

Peggy's Cabin - Cleo

Cleo grazing at Peggy’s cabin. You can see the driveway below.

Peggy's Cabin 4

Peggy’s Cabin

Peggy's Cabin 3

Arrival at Peggy’s Cabin

Peggy's Cabin 2

Arrival at Peggy’s Cabin


Getting water for the horses at Peggy's cabin

Getting water for the horses at Peggy’s cabin


The horses at their facilities at Peggy's Cabin

The horses at their facilities at Peggy’s Cabin

Peggy's Cabin 6

The horses at Peggy’s Cabin

Peggy's Cabin - Trailer

Horse care

Peggy's Cabin - Wally

Laura working on Wally’s hoofs

Peggy's Cabin - New River 2

Jacob kayaking the New River


kayaking on the New River

kayaking on the New River



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