Africa Malaria Day

Africa Malaria Day logoToday is Africa Malaria Day. Malaria is an ancient global killer, and in Africa, more than 3,000 children die each day from malaria (Red Cross). In order to raise awareness about Malaria, and what to do about it, the WHO’s Roll Back Malaria initiative issued a statement that expresses hope that global collaboration can finally make inroads against the plasmodium falciparum:

The progress in fighting malaria in the last few years offers great promise. After too many years of debate, there is now widespread agreement about what works for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Resources to fight malaria have grown considerably. New spokespersons from the developing world and donor countries have begun to relay key messages. Corporations and multilaterals are working together to replenish the development pipeline and bridge the supply gap of essential prevention tools and treatments. Foundations and other donors have catalyzed investments in new technologies, such as new single dose Artemisinin-based combination Therapies (ACTs), and research into vaccines continues. Some afflicted countries are paving the way for reducing barriers created by import tariffs and malaria service user fees. The world has recognized the toll that malaria takes on the developing world and is poised to respond.

RBM – Malaria Community Statement

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