Archive for the 'Election 2016' Category

Historic protests against Trump

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

A day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th U.S. President, women (and men) around the country took to the streets in historic numbers. Yesterday, Julia and I joined more than 4 Million protesters nationwide, and almost 20,000 here in Raleigh to help counter the divisiveness and misogyny that propelled this administration into […]


Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

Oh, America. Seriously?! Mr. Cheetoface Tinyhands gets to move into the White House? OK, so maybe the other option was not all that appealing, either … the Wall-Street-pandering, email-deleting Mrs. Pinchface. So this is it, now – right? It’s all over. The Endoftheworldasweknowit. If you are considering packing your bags and moving to Canada – […]