Barefoot running in Winter
January 26th, 2025
Back in 2009, when I started running barefoot, I also tried running barefoot during cold weather. I did not enjoy it, because my feet went cold and numb pretty quickly, and that increases the risk of injury. So I pretty much only ran during warm weather spring thru fall and used a treadmill at the Y during the winter months. But then we had some fairly mild winters and I kept running, and I discovered that here in North Carolina, I can keep running if I am a bit strategic. Our winters are not one long, cold, overcast season of snow and ice like some parts of the world. We have cold spells – we just finished a week of freezing temperatures and there is even still some patches of snow on the ground. But after the cold spells we also get warm sunny days in the 50s (+10C) when it’s no problem to run a few miles barefoot. Like this upcoming week. So I just have to be flexible and use the opportunities that the weather presents for a nice mid-day run.
Read the rest of this entry »2024
January 1st, 2025
2024 did not have much major excitement (good or bad) for us personally. Yeah, the country is falling apart and the world is going to shit, but that’s nothing new. The most significant change for me last year was getting U.S. citizenship and voting for the first time – after living in this country for 30 years. This change was prompted my Germany changing its citizenship law and allowing dual citizenship now.

The most fun thing Laura and I did in 2024 was a trip to visit the oldest trees(s) on the US East Coast – including BLK 227, the 6th oldest living tree in the world! This truly ancient bald cypress sprouted in the year 626 BCE in what’s now known as the Three Sisters Swamp near Wilmington, NC (see photo above).
The saddest event for our family was the sudden, accidental death of our female emu Mel. It was a freak accident that prompted a whole new emu adventure acquiring a new female emu – Adie – bringing her home from Rocky Mount, and a long, fairly dramatic journey of attempting to pair her up with our male emu Sidney.
Both Jacob and Julia started new jobs in 2024. Julia completed her Americorps service at the Durham Habitat for Humanity and was quickly snatched up by the Orange County Habitat, where she now works as a volunteer coordinator. Jacob quit his job at Freudenberg and started working at BioMerieux in the production of microbial test kits. So far they are both happy with their new jobs.
Laura was busy developing new products for her business using her new laser cutting machine. She created some very cool new products: Fridget Spinners, 3D bird puzzles, the Setting Sun game and various Christmas tree decoration – all made from laser-cut decoupage wood. In the fall we went to craft markets around Durham to sell the new products as well as some of the old best-sellers. Throughout the year, Laura also did a lot of work for the Artisan Market and Womencraft working on their websites and inventory management systems. In addition to all of this, Laura was also very active on the Amazon Vine program, where she requests free product samples in exchange for an honest product review. She get a lot of her craft supplies and tools from Vine, and she can provide detailed reviews for other customers, since she uses these products frequently.
Read the rest of this entry »R.I.P., President Carter
December 30th, 2024
Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the USA has died at the age of 100. What an amazing journey he had, and what a legacy he leaves behind!
Also, this means that flags will be at half-staff at the next President’s inauguration! How fitting.
Ratsnake hatched and released
October 27th, 2024In early July, while turning the big compost pile, I found a clutch of snake eggs. Laura and I decided to try to hatch them, and she set up an incubator. After about 2 months, one of the eggs actually did hatch and a pretty rat snake baby emerged. We got her some frozen pinkies from the pet store and over the following 3 weeks fed her all 6 of them. She had no trouble with the warmed-up pinkies and grabbed them quickly when we dangled them in front of her. So after 3 weeks, we returned her to the forest, and we hope we gave her a good start for a nice snake life. Here is a video of the release.

RIP Emu Mel
September 26th, 2024
After 8 years with us and approximately at 10 years of age, our female emu Mel died in a tragic accident last weekend. On Saturday evening, as I went out to feed the animals, I saw that Mel was throwing a fit (which she sometimes does), racing around the pasture and doing her crazy dance, when she suddenly started attacking the horses. Emu attacks are scary and they can do some real damage with those claws. So the horses ran away, but she kept going after them. I rushed into the pasture to see if I can intervene without putting my self in too much danger. But at that moment one of the horses had had enough and kicked out and her hoof connected with Mel’s head and she collapsed. Within 30 seconds it was over.

We can’t be sure what set her off, but some neighbors down the road had just started a party and had set up a very loud PA system foe some sort of karaoke, and Mel was always very sensitive to noises. The July 4 fireworks were absolute torture for the poor bird. So the unusual noise may have set her off. The horses had always been very tolerant of her antics, but that was just too much. I really can’t blame the horse.
Mel, with all her quirks, was a good bird and an excellent layer. She did the best she could with that tiny brain of hers. We will miss her. And her mate Sidney does miss her, too, I think.
Oh say, can you see …
September 21st, 2024
I applied in June online on the grounds that I had been a legal US resident for more than 5 years (30 , actually), and I was approved and sworn in on Sept. 9, 2024 at the RDU field office. The process was really straight-forward, but then so was my case. The vibe at the office was actually nice. The CIS officers I interacted with were really nice, and the applicants overall were a bit nervous and a bit excited. Only the security staff were a bit grumpy. The process was really efficient – at least for those of us with straight-forward cases. My interview was actually remote, so I sat in an office at the field office with the CIS interviewer on an iPad asking me all the questions. After 1/2 hour, that was done, and the officer told me she was recommending my case for approval, and congratulated me. I then waited 5 minutes and was called in for the swearing in with 4 others. That took 15 minutes, then voter registration, and I was done in just under an hour! Welcome (again) to the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free!
Happy Birthday, USA
July 4th, 2024Neues Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz (StAG)
June 27th, 2024ENGLISH in a nutshell: Germany now allows dual citizenship! Yay!
Ab heute gilt das neue Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz (StAG) für Deutschland. Das Staatsangehörigkeitsmodernisierungsgesetz (StARModG) wurde am 26. März 2024 erlassen, und es erneuert das StAG in drei wichtigen Punkten:
- Erleichterter Zugang zur Einbürgerung: Die Residenzpflicht wird von 8 auf 5 Jahre verkürzt, bei besonderen Integrationsleistungen auf 3 Jahre.
- Hinnahme von Mehrstaatigkeit: Die Möglichkeit der Beibehaltung der ausländischen Staatsangehörigkeit nach Erwerb der deutschen durch Geburt im Inland (Ius-soli-Erwerb) wird zur Regel. Die bisherige Optionspflicht entfällt.[2] Auch bei Einbürgerungen ist kein Verzicht auf die bisherige Staatsangehörigkeit mehr nötig.
- Wegfall der Beibehaltungsgenehmigung: deutsche Staatsbürger benötigen keine Beibehaltungsgenehmigung nach § 25 StAG mehr, wenn sie eine weitere Staatsangehörigkeit annehmen und die deutsche beibehalten möchten.[3]
(Quelle Wikipedia)
Diese Modernisierung war dringend notwendig, vor allem für Menschen die schon lange in Deutschland leben, aber keine Deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit haben. Für uns Auslandsdeutsche ist allerdings der 3. Punkt sehr wichtig, denn wir können jetzt viel leichter die Staatsangehörigket unseres Gastgeberlandes erwerben, und uns dort besser integrieren, ohne unsere Bindung an unser Geburtsland kappen zu müssen. Dankeschön!
Happy New Year!
April 14th, 2024Happy New Year to the Sri Lankan Community on the island and around the world! April 13 Sri Lankans (Sinhala and Tamil) celebrated the move of the sun into the sign of Pisces, which traditionally marks the the beginning of a new year for them. My friends in the local Sri Lankan community here in North Carolina invited me to partake in the rituals and traditions marking this auspicious time at the local temple.
At the appointed time, first we lit the candles on the decorated stand in the photo below (instead of the traditional oil lamp). Then they lit a small, traditional cooking fire while the monks recited auspicious passages from the Buddhist Suttas (sacred teachings). Then they brought a pot of milk to a boil on that fire (see below in the center right of the photo).

A truly ancient forest
April 12th, 2024
This is the Three Sisters Swamp in North Carolina. It’s a flooded bald cypress forest along the Black River. The large trees in this picture are likely over a thousand years old – possibly around two thousand years even. Laura and I went on a kayak tour through the swamp at the end of March to visit this amazing place. We went with a local tour guide, who was part of the research team that determined the age of a few of these ancient trees by taking core samples and counting the rings. They found several trees that were older than 2000 years!

This is BLK 227, the 6th oldest living tree in the world! It sprouted in the year 626BCE, so this year this tree is 2650 years old! And that’s Laure in the green kayak next to it. You can see that the tree no longer has a crown. A huge storm about 800 years ago ripped off the crowns of all the old trees. Yet, they survived, and put out new branches. This 2650 year old tree had branches with green leaves and seed pods.

The tree behind Laura and me has a huge, hollow buttress where (when the water is lower) 10 adult people can fit. In this photo the cypress “knees” are also clearly visible – the pointy, vaguely cone shaped tree growths sticking out of the water. Laura is actually holding on to one. These “knees” are part of the root system of the cypress trees, and help anchor “their” tree as well as interlocking that tree’s root system with the surrounding trees’ roots. This interlocked root system is the reason why the storms these trees experience may rip the their crowns off and twist the trunks into bizarre shapes, but the winds cannot topple them.

This ancient, battered tree is a great example of how a couple millennia of storms at the coast will twist these trees into corkscrew shapes, rip off their crowns and split them in half, but cannot kill them. This tree still puts out leaves every spring and makes seeds.
Video of the First Moon Landing
March 8th, 2024This is a recording of the first hour of the broadcast of the Apollo 11 moon landing. A YouTuber bought a 60-year-old video tape on eBay, and it turned out to contain a recording of the moon landing broadcast. The live feed from the moon start at around minute 40 of the video.
February 26th, 20242023
January 1st, 2024For us, last year marked a return to (a new) normal, after the COVID pandemic and after my mother’s illness and death in 2022. I am back in the office on a pretty regular basis, and we were able to travel without public health-related restrictions. Although COVID is not “over,” it has become integrated and more normalized. People call in sick for the flu or COVID. I had a cold in late October, and just did a couple of COVID home tests (negative) to inform my management of the illness. Other than a cold, we were all in pretty good health this year, and we are grateful for that.

However, both Laura and I had a bumpy start for 2022 in that regard. On Jan. 2, I went for a run in the neighborhood and encountered a dog who had gotten away from his owner. When I tried to help the owner catch the dog, the dog bit me in my left hand. I got stitched up at Urgent Care, and was fine. Just a week later, on Jan. 10, Laura’s horse bucked her off during a canter in Hill Forest. Laura fell off backwards, but managed to roll on the gravel road. She did hit her head and may have briefly lost consciousness. Julia was with her and called the emergency dispatch, who sent an ambulance their way. Julia also informed me, and I rushed out there, too. Laura was able to walk to the road where the EMT examined her and decided to take her to the hospital. So the ambulance took Laura to Duke Regional hospital, and I arrived as they were leaving, and Julia and I took the horses back home. Then I went to the hospital to check on Laura. A few hours later, she was discharged from the hospital with some pain meds. The only damage from one of her worst riding accident in all these years was a mild concussion and some bruising. We are very grateful for that!
Her horse’s reaction was also very remarkable. Madison was clearly confused by what had happened, and had had no intention of bucking Laura off. When Laura was on the ground, Madison came right over to her to check on her. And when she saw Laura for the first time the next day out in the pasture, Madison whinnied and ran up to Laura to greet her – apparently relieved to see her. Both horses are very bonded to Laura and see her as the “lead mare” in the group. They would never intentionally harm her, but sometimes they do unexpected things that can be dangerous to the rider. Lessons were learned.

Speaking of horses … the highlight of the year for Laura and me was our trip to Iceland in August/Sept. We spent 2 weeks in Iceland, and did 6-day horse tour on the Snaefellsness peninsula. The tour was amazing, and we really got to experience the stamina and character of the Icelandic horses. It was a wild ride in terms of weather conditions, with sunshine, fog, rain, and hail; including spectacular sunrises and hurricane force winds that were pushing the waterfalls back up onto the mountain.
Read the rest of this entry »Huge new fissure eruption in Iceland
December 20th, 2023
Iceland vacation
November 11th, 2023
From August 26 to September 8 this year, Laura and I went on a little adventure to Iceland. First we spent a few days with my dad and his partner Marion exploring the area around Reykjavik, then Laura and I went on a 6-day horse riding tour on the Snæfellsnes peninsula. Finally, we drove South and visited the Vestmannaeyar archipelago for a couple of days.
Reykjavik area, Þingvellir

Ever since we visited Iceland in 2005, Laura and I had the idea of going back for a longer vacation. So after an exhausting 2022, we decided it was time. Then my dad suggested we should come to visit him for his 81st birthday, since he was not really feeling up for a trip to the States. Half joking, I suggested we should meet halfway, and surprisingly, he was game. So Günther and Marion booked a week-long stay, and we caught up with them on the 26th and spent the weekend with them.

Traveling to Iceland has become super-convenient for us, as we now have a direct flight from RDU to Kevlavik. So Laura and I arrived early in the morning, checked into our vacation home in downtown Reykjavik and then took a bus to the Sky Lagoon to relax after the short night on the plane. In the afternoon we met up with Günther and Marion for a walk around town and dinner. Sunday morning, I picked up our rental Tesla from Blue Car Rental and we went on a day trip around Reykjavik, visited the Leiðarendi Lava Cave, the Raufarhólshellir lava tunnel, the port town of Þorlákshöfn, and the fumerols at Krýsuvík.

Monday was Günther’s birthday, and he wanted to spend the day at Þingvellir, one of the most popular, and most spectacular places to visit in Iceland. Þingvellir is a national park and a historic site. It’s one of the places where the effects of plate tectonics are directly and spectacularly visible, as the entire valley is riddles with deep cracks and fissures, many filled with glacial melt water, and all the direct result of the North Atlantic plate and the Eurasian plate pulling away from each other by a few centimeters every year. It is also the location of the historic Alþing, the parliament of Iceland from the 10th to the 18th centuries.

After walking around Þingvellir for a hours in the sun, we were hungry and headed back to Reykjavik for dinner at a Thai restaurant downtown to close out the day with a nice meal. After dinner, we said our good-byes and went our separate ways. Günther and Marion headed back home the next day, and Laura and I got ready for our next Iceland adventure in Snæfellsnes.
Riding Horses in Snæfellsnes

Tuesday morning we left our AirBnb, returned the Tesla and then we had a few hours to hang out in the city before embarking on our riding tour. So w hung out at the old harbor and ended up going on a whale watching tour. After that, we went to the bus station where we were picked up by the bus that took us to the horse farm where we spent the next 6 days.
The farm is called Gröf, and it is situated on the southern coast of Snæfellsbær, between Búðir and Arnarstapi. Our tour went along the coast eastward for about 50KM (35 miles) and then back to the farm. We rode about 20KM (13 miles) a day and then left the horses in a pasture for the night and were shuttled back to the farm. So we did a fair amount of intense, fast-paced trail riding every day – in amazing and very unique landscapes and along long stretches of beautiful sandy beaches. But we were also pampered with great food, hot tub and sauna and very comfortable rooms every day before and after the ride. Amazing experience.

New Volcano eruption in Iceland
July 18th, 2023Last week, the Fagradalsfjall volcano in southern Iceland produced a new eruption near the Litli-Hrútur mountain. There is lots of beautiful drone footage of the eruption, but this is some of the nicest I have seen, so far. Here is a link to a live webcam of the new vent.
R.I.P. Koklo the cat
May 17th, 2023
On April 25, our 18 year-old Russian Blue cat named Koklo died. She had been sick for a long time, but recently her health got worse and worse, and on Tuesday she passed away peacefully at home.
Koklo loved – nay adored – Laura. Koklo always wanted to be near Laura and sleep in her bed, sit on her lap or at least be in the same room with her. Koklo’s second favorite was our youngest cat, Azi.
Biting dogs, bucking horses and Julia’s Ghana trip
April 9th, 2023Winter came early and vigorously in December 2022, and then Spring popped in and out in January and February this year. Here is Patou enjoying spring weather in February. In fact, on Jan 2nd it was so nice I took my shoes off and went for a jog in the neighborhood, only to get attacked by a dog! The little shit bit me in the left hand and I had to go to the Urgent Care to get stitches. Good thing the dog was up-to-date on vaccines. The Sheriff’s Department had a little chat with the owner about keeping their puppers better under control. Yet, a couple of weeks ago, the same dog chased Sassy around. However, the goat turned around and head-butted the dog. when I tried to get the dog to leave her alone, he started charging at me, too. Ugh! Now I am trying to get the owner to hire a dog trainer to prevent this dog from turning into a problem.
About a week after I got bitten by the dog, Laura’s horse bucked her off during a ride in the woods! She landed on her back on a gravel road and hit the back of her head. Good thing she was wearing a good riding helmet! She was stunned, but otherwise OK. Julia called the emergency services, and they sent an ambulance. Laura was able to walk back to the road where they put her on a stretcher in the ambulance and took her to the hospital. At that point I arrived and was able to help Julia take the horses back home. When I got to the hospital, Laura had been thoroughly examined and after a while we finally got the OK for her to go home. She was sore for a while, but that was all. well, there is a reason we always wear a helmet when riding! And now we are also seriously looking into getting additional safety equipment, like an airbag vest, because those spinal injuries are no joke.

January 1st, 2023For me, last year was overshadowed by the illness of my mother and her death in September. I ended up taking four trips to Germany this year, none of which were particularly relaxing. Of course this was also year three of COVID, moving from pandemic to endemic. And COVID rules also impacted most of our travel experiences, except for the November trip, when most restrictions had been lifted and we did not enter a nursing home any more.
The insanity that is the the Russian invasion of Ukraine dominated the early months of 2022, although for us initially mostly as news and as a new global worry. The war remains a significant factor in public discourse, but over time it has become a significant economic factor in daily life, causing (for us) an overall increase in the cost of living due to increased energy cost. Closer to the war, in Europe, there is also a significant impact caused by the need to care for a huge number of refugees from Ukraine. And there is also quite a bit of worry about an escalation of the war, potentially plunging the continent (and the world) into another catastrophic conflict. Not even to mention the catastrophic consequences of the Russian invasion for Ukraine. The loss of lives, the trauma, the suffering this war is causing the Ukraininan people is unconscionable, and all efforts should be made to find ways to end this terrible bloodshed.
In February, my employer moved my office out of Brightleaf Square and into a new office building closer to campus. I had worked at Brightleaf Square since April 2002, so almost 20 years. The building and several neighboring buildings had also recently been sold, and the new owners were doing major renovations on the entire block, which was causing noise and traffic disruptions. So I was not too sad to miss out on that mess.
In early March we bought a beehive from a local beekeeper and started on that journey. Beekeeping is actually much more involved than one might assume. It’s fun, but also quite a lot of work – checking for mites regularly, treating the hive against parasites, preventing them from swarming and making sure they survive the winter. Our hive decided to swarm in early summer, and then they successfully raised a new queen. We also had to treat them pretty aggressively against mites all year, so all that resulted in us not being able to harvest any honey during our fist year as beekeepers.
In April, Jacob moved into his apartment on the other side of North Durham, a bit closer to his work at Freudenberg. In December, he adopted a dog – a Husky named “Sashimi” – to keep him company in his apartment.
In May, Julia and I embarked on our first trip to Germany to visit Family and give her a chance to reconnect with Germany and her German family.
We visited my sister and my mom near Stuttgart for a few days. This was the first time I had visited her in the nursing home in Berglen where she had moved in 2019. For Julia and Sigrid, it was the first in-person visit in 10 years, since Sigrid had not been able to travel to the U.S., and we had not been able to take the kids to Germany while they were in High School and College.
Sadly, on the second day of our visit, Laura had to inform us that our old, beloved gelding Wally had died. Laura had to deal with her horse’s sudden and ultimately terminal health decline by herself (and with the help of our vet) while Julia and I were traveling to and in Germany. The sad news from home had a strong impact on Julia and colored the experience of that trip for both of us. After some family discussion, we decided to continue our trip as planned, because even if we immediately started to plan a return trip, by the time we’d be back home there would not have been much we could do to help Laura.
So despite the bad news from home, we still tried to enjoy our trip. We visited Family in Tübingen, my dad near Freiburg and my aunt near Bremen, all of which gave Julia an opportunity to re-connect with her German-ness. We also visited some touristy sights like Ludwigsburg Palace, Hohenzollern Castle, Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg in Alsace, downtown Düsseldorf, the Schnoor neighborhood in Bremen, the Dangast artist’s colony in Friesland, and the North Sea beach in Cuxhaven-Duhnen. After 10 days and 1500 KM of driving, we returned to Frankfurt, checked into one of the many hotels near the airport, returned the car and early the next morning we took our Lufthansa flight back to the US.
In June, Sigrid was admitted to the hospital because her health was deteriorating rapidly. Previously, she had had a lot of trouble walking, and was mostly wheelchair bound. But now she started having trouble with her hands as well, and her legs became completely paralyzed. This was just a couple of weeks after we sat on her terrace and shared a pizza. She underwent extensive tests at the hospital for several weeks and then the doctors gave her the terrible news that they thought she had ALS. They sent her back to the nursing home, since there is no real treatment for ALS, since it is not known what causes the degeneration of the nerves.
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