Welcome Betty
On Easter Weekend, our newest family member, Betty the Goat, came to live with us. She is a Nigerian Dwarf Goat and she is only a few months old. We bought her from a guy down the road who felt sorry for Sassy when we told him that her sister Snoopy died last year and she seemed a bit unhappy. So he agreed to sell us a single goat as a companion for Sassy.
Am Ostersamstag zog Betty die Ziege bei uns ein um unserer einsamen Sassy Ziege Gesellachft zu leisten. Ein Bekannter fand es so traurig dass die arme Sassy ganz alleine ist nachdem ihre Schwester letztes Jahr an einer Krankheit starb, dass er uns eine einzelne Jungziege verkaufte (normalerweise verkauft er Ziegen nur zu zweit).
This video was shot shortly after we introduced the two goats. The video below is from a month later and it shows a funny interaction between Betty and Adjo the cat.