Biodiesel tank set up at Ellis Rd site

The tank at the Ellis Rd siteOur juice box is almost ready. All that’s missing is the flowmeter and some biodiesel and we’re ready to fill’er up.

Marc got help from Filiberto, who runs the garage we’re sharing the space with, and Filiberto’s assistant Celso. They picked up the tank with the forklift, picked up the forklift with the tow truck and drove it across the gravel parking lot. Then they backed the truck to the platform and set down the tank. No sweat!

Next week we’re meeting with Lyle and Rachel from Piedmont Biofuels to figure out how we might run this little operation, get the juice, do the accounting, and so forth. My goal is to make this as simple as possible, so that we can be up-and-running in short order.

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