The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

The Memorial

It’s about time. Germany is finally ready to dedicate a major memorial to the victims of the Nazi regime: the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe today joins Yad Vashem and the United States Holocaust Museum and many other places of remembrance. In plain view of the Reichstag building, where the German parliament deliberates in the heart of Berlin, this memorial contributes to the important task of keeping alive the memory of those dark years and the shameful, horrific persecution and butchery of millions of innocent people, perpetrated supposedly “in the name of the German people.”

We will not forget.

We must fight hatred and terror today, and we must stop the violence perpetrated on the innocent today. We must speak out for the rights of every human to live in peace and dignity. To be able to do that we must be able to face the horror of the past.

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