Snowpocalypse 2015
Thursday morning we woke up to 6 inches (15cm) of snow. Around here, that pretty much shuts down everything. Power went out at around 4AM and water stopped shortly after. No school or work, of course. We were stuck at home all day, keeping the house warm with a fire in the fire place and melting snow on the gas grill so we had some water. In the evening our neighbors came over for dinner and we sat around the fireplace all evening. We kept the fireplace so hot that the iron grate melted, but we kept the living room at over 60°F. Friday morning at 5:00 the power came back on, and Friday at noon I went in to work for a few hours.
The wet snow stuck to the trees and broke many branches and even knocked down some trees.
The horses were not real happy about the snow. Neither were the emus.