Fire at Brightleaf

brightleaf_fire_03-13Last Friday, a fire at the Mexican restaurant ElRodeo damaged the Eastern side of Brightleaf South and forced the evacuation of the entire complex, including the offices where I work. I was actually at home because I had a cold. Several colleagues called me around 11:00 AM to let me know what was going on and to confirm that I was not in the building. I shut down all the equipment I could, and I verified via my security cameras that there was no serious problem on our end. No one was hurt in the fire.

A protein fire in  the kitchen vents spread into the top floor of the building and damaged the roof. The fire department quickly doused the fire with ample amounts of water, so the fire damage was contained. Considering that this building is over 100 years old and all the upstairs floors are made of huge wooden beams and the entire structure is held up by large wooden columns, a larger fire could have easily caused structural damage.

UPDATE: I saw the damage today, and the fire in  the exhaust vent from the kitchen totally destroyed the casing in the hallway upstairs.




2 Responses to “Fire at Brightleaf”

  1. Agbessi Says:

    wow, scary. glad you and your machines are safe.

  2. Brant Says:

    This was the most expedient way to get a message to you. Have you seen the water stop sign used in Sydney to warn trucks that they are too tall to enter a tunnel? Sensing a tall truck, a sheet of water begins dropping down in front of the tunnel and a massive, bright stop sign is projected onto the water, giving the image of a wall. This appears quite attention-grabbing, hence more effective than the cacophony of yellow warnings now in place. I can send a link, but didn’t want to just get chucked in with comment spam.